Thursday, February 4, 2016

What I learned from my 24 Day Challenge

As a lot of you know, I just finished up my first Advocare 24-Day Challenge.  It was AWESOME!  Seriously you guys, I am absolutely amazed.  24 days of exercise and clean eating and incredible supplements.  WOW.  Here are a few things I've learned over the last 24 days...

1.)  A challenge, and life in general, is better when done with friends!

In the past, I would have maybe tackled something like this on my own.  I probably would not have told anyone I was going to do a challenge, maybe not even my husband.  The main reason for this...I didn't want anyone to know if I quit/failed/fell off the wagon. But because I had no accountability, I usually (always) did quit, fail, and fall (jump?) off the wagon.  So this time, I joined some friends, including my awesome mom, and thousands of others across the country for the All-In Challenge.  And man, did it make the difference!  Doing something hard becomes a little less so when I had friends beside me, cheering me on and holding me accountable.  I wanted my friends to succeed, and they wanted me to succeed.  I think this was a great reminder for is better when lived with others.  When we share our struggles, our hardships, our successes, and our journeys with one another, life seems a little less scary.  And the road to health and wellness, turns out, can actually be a fun road to travel...if you're friends are with you!

2.) Clean eating is not a hard as I thought.

I will admit, for most of the last 10 years, I have struggled with my diet.  I love to work out...I hate to eat well.  And that is mainly because I always felt that eating well and eating "clean" meant salads.  And more salads.  But when I started this challenge, I was determined to make a positive and permanent change to my eating habits.  And I am shocked to say it wasn't that hard.  The biggest lesson I learned was simple:  Eat real food as much as you can.  Simple as that.  I made small tweaks to my family's meals that I cooked (ground turkey in the chili, kale instead of lettuce in our tacos, whole wheat bread, etc)  nothing crazy.  And as the days went on, it got easier and easier to make the right choices.  And again, it was because of my cheerleaders that I was able to keep it up!  The supplements were amazing, they totally made up for the gaps in my nutrition.  

3.)  I am capable of more than I thought...physically and mentally!

I think that it is pretty awesome when you can surprise yourself.  And I surprised myself a lot through this challenge.  I found out that I was stronger than I thought I was, physically and mentally.  As the weeks went by and I cleaned up my diet, tried new workouts, and continued taking my supplements, I saw my body change and be able to do things I wasn't able to do before.  I saw my body tighten up, watched muscles appear that I have never seen before.   And mentally...well, I went 24 days without wine.  24 DAYS WITHOUT WINE.  Or any cocktail as a matter of fact.  That is a feat I would previously thought was impossible.  But I did it.  And it did not kill me:)  Mental toughness!

4.)  There will always be excuses...and haters.

In the past I have been so so guilty of letting what others think or say dictate the way I live my life.  Which sucks.  Because when it comes down to it, other people's opinions are not going to change my life or help me reach my goals.  I have learned through these last 24 days that I am the only one that can change my path.  There will always be people that have opinions about what I do.  And there will always be excuses to be made, reasons to not move forward, to not pursue my goals.  What this time has taught me was to not let those excuses or those people stop me from chasing after what I want for my life.

5.)  No great change has ever happened in my comfort zone.

I confess I am happiest in my comfort zone.  I don't like to be challenged, to be uncomfortable.  But it is true that no great change has ever happened while I am in my comfort zone.  The times I have really seen change in myself have been the times I have stepped outside of that comfort zone and done something uncomfortable, something different (for example...pretty much every time I have ever done a Crossfit WOD...great change, much discomfort!).  The times I have truly seen how strong I am, how much I can stand, and all of the amazing things my body can do, those have been the times that I have hurt, cried, and fallen down.  But I came through on the other side and was changed.  That is how I feel today.

6.) I am clothed in strength and dignity.

Recently my husband and I were discussing Proverb 31 and the characteristics of a Godly woman.  And I was once again reminded that God created me to be something better.  That I was made to not be idle, but to work hard for my husband and family, to take care of my household with kindness and work hard for my community.  My favorite verse in this passage of scripture is verse 25, "She is clothed in strength and dignity, And laughs without fear of the future."  Reading this today I realized how not only have I not been looking toward the future without fear (forget laughing!), but I have been straight up anxious (FEARFUL!) of the future.  But I have been reminded that God has given me everything I need to do what He wants for my life and remembering that has indeed made me stronger.  Going through this challenge, facing fears and insecurities within myself, I have been reminded where my true strength lies.

